感染症の予防対策 (COVID-19 countermeasures public awareness)

  • 当日ご来館の前に自宅・ホテルで検温をお願いします。発熱や咳、頭痛、その他感染症が疑われる症状がある場合、ご来場をご遠慮ください。
  • 当日はマスクの常時着用をお願いします。また、こまめな手洗い、手指消毒の実施・人との距離を保つ、大声での会話など感染リスクの高い行為を自粛いただくなどご協力をお願いいたします。
  • トイレのハンドドライヤー設備が使用停止のため、ハンカチ等の持参をお願いします。
  • Please take your temperature at home or hotel before coming on the day of the event, and refrain from coming if you have a fever, cough, headache, or any other symptoms of suspected infection.
  • Please wear a mask at all times on the day of the event. We also ask for your cooperation in frequently washing your hands, disinfecting your fingers, keeping your distance from others, and refraining from loud conversations and other activities that carry a high risk of infection. Please bring handkerchiefs, etc., as the hand dryer facilities in the restrooms are out of use.

受付 (Registration)

1. 参加申込み済みの方 (those who have already applied for participation)


The participation certificate will be mailed to your registered address. Please cut off the certificate and bring it to the venue. A nameplate case will be placed at the entrance of the convention center, so please wear your registration certificate before entering the venue.

2. 当日参加受付 (Registration on the day of the event)


Please note that there will be no on-site registration. If you wish to participate on the day of the event, please contact the convention committee.

インターネット接続 (Internet connection)

札幌コンベンションセンターでは札幌市のfree-wifiサービス(Sapporo City Wi-Fi)が利用できます。30分毎に接続が途切れますので、安定したネット環境が必要でしたらポータブルwifiルーターなどをご持参ください。

Sapporo City Wi-Fi service is available at the Sapporo Convention Center.

昼食等の飲食 (Lunch and other food and beverages)


大会会場での飲食は2F 小ホール以外で可能です。ただし、黙食でお願いいたします。


Restaurants in the Sapporo Convention Center are available. You can also go to La Sola Sapporo (about a 3-minute walk) or AEON Higashi-Sapporo (about a 5-minute walk) to use the food court and restaurants in the facilities. The core time for poster presentations starts at 2:00 p.m. If you are in a hurry, please purchase and bring your own lunch or other food in advance.

Eating and drinking are allowed in the conference venue EXCEPT in the small hall on the 2nd floor. As a precautionary measure against infectious diseases, we will not be providing food and beverage services such as coffee servers and snacks. Please also consider attending the luncheon seminars on November 1 and 2.

講演の撮影、音声録音、携帯電話の使用 (General manner)


Photography, videotaping, and sound recording of posters and slides are not permitted. Please set your cell phone to silent mode during oral presentations and symposiums.

託児室のご利用 (Nursery room)


Those who have applied in advance will be notified of the flow of use on the day of the event, so please follow the instructions.